1 Month Home After Treatment

This Christmas season, I was reminded of how blessed I am. It has been a difficult year for me and my family, but I am so grateful for my family and friends who have been there for me during the cancer diagnosis and treatments. My 3 year old son Alexander reminds me everyday why I am so blessed. Treasure everyday you have with your loved ones and cherish the memories you have of your loved ones who have passed. Keep Faith, and things will get better. GOD has a plan for us all.

Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
Romans 5:3‭-‬5

I have some exciting updates on my treatments that I would like to share! With my blogs, I have gone into great detail about the treatments I have received at Chipsa Hospital in Mexico; and I do feel that the treatments have helped me significantly. The tumor is getting smaller, and I am doing well with my current home treatments. Please refer to my previous blogs for details on my current home treatments from Chipsa. While I have been home, I have been researching Proton Radiation treatment for cancerous lymph nodes and breast cancer. I have 8 cancerous lymph nodes in my axillary region (armpit) area. Proton Radiation is different than regular radiation because it is more targeted, penetrates deeper, and has minimal side effects. It is focused on the cancerous area only, and therefore; the rest of the body remains safe from radiation. Thyroid tumors are the biggest side effects of radiation treatment in women with breast cancer. This would not happen with Proton Radiation. The side effects I would have with Proton Radiation is fatigue, and possibly some arm and hand swelling. I reached out to Northwestern Proton Center in Warrenville, Illinois to see if I could get this treatment. I was told that I would not be a candidate for this treatment because I did not follow the traditional protocol of having surgery first. I did not give up! I was persistent and shared my story of how there would be a high probability of having a paralyzed right arm from surgery, and then I wouldn’t be able to work as a Veterinarian. I have wanted to be a Veterinarian since I was 4 years old, and it is my passion, my livelihood. I was granted an appointment with a radiology oncologist at Northwestern Proton Center on December 17, 2021. After much prayer to God, I was hopeful that the appointment would go well. It went marvously well! After sharing my treatments I have received so far, and why I went the route I did, instead of following the traditional treatment protocol; and the reasoning as to why Proton Radiation would benefit me; the doctor agreed to treat me! I reached out to Chipsa doctors to make sure that they would support this treatment and they felt it would be very complementary to my current treatments, and it would efficiently target those 8 cancerous lymph nodes. I have a PET scan scheduled for Wednesday, December 29, 2021. As long as the PET scan doesn’t show any spreading of the cancer from the lymph nodes in the axillary area to other areas of the body, then I will be able to start Proton Radiation treatment. The Proton Radiation will be 5 and a half weeks long. I will be able to still work, and get it done after work in the evening hours. I am praying for good results on the PET scan next week. I am hopeful that there will be a significant reduction in tumor size, and that I will be starting Proton Radiation treatment.

I wanted to take some time and discuss 2 supplements I am currently taking for my Estrogen postive breast cancer. I declined conventional aggressive hormone therapy because of the horrid side effects that would effect my quality of life. I am taking natural hormonal supplements and incorporating key food items into my diet.

Calcium D-glucarate is a supplement that is made by combining calcium and d-glucaric acid.Glucaric acid is a naturally occurring substance that is produced by our body, in small amounts, and aids our body’s detoxification of environmental toxins, hormones (like estrogen), cancer causing agents, and metabolic waste generated within the body. While you make a small amount of glucaric acid, you also consume it in your diet. Glucaric acid is found in the highest amount in apples, oranges, and cruciferous vegetables ( broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage).In supplement form, calcium and glucaric acid are combined to stabilize the glucaric acid. Once calcium D-glucarate enters your stomach it is metabolized to calcium and glucaric acid. Glucaric acid is the active ingredient in this supplement, which means it is the ingredient that provides the most benefit for your hormones. Oral calcium d-glucarate supplementation has been shown to prevent the body from reabsorbing and recycling hormones and harmful environmental toxins. It does this by supporting increased glucuronidation (phase 2 liver detoxification) and inhibiting beta-glucuronidase, which facilitate the secretion of potentially harmful compounds and hormones. Calcium D-glucarate is regarded as a key nutrient for optimizing hormonal health. This is because it supports liver metabolism and may inhibit beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme that is associated with higher rates of hormone related cancers.

Diindolylmethane, or DIM for short, is a plant indole—a plant compound with health-promoting properties. DIM and other plant indoles are found in all cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. 

When Diindolylmethane DIM increases the ‘good’ estrogen metabolites, there is a simultaneous reduction in the levels of undesirable or “bad” estrogen metabolites. 

Diindolylmethane DIM contributes to a better metabolism in the most natural way possible by working with your own hormones and adjusting their action to avoid hormonal imbalance. DIM produces more ‘good’ estrogen metabolites.

Though still marketed as a dietary supplement, it turns out that I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) is not active in your body until it has converted into DIM. I3C is highly unstable and can transform into many other substances whose actions are undesirable. 

DIM, is the most active dietary indole in cruciferous vegetables, is a healthy stimulus for the beneficial metabolism of estrogen in men and woman. Maintaining healthy hormonal balance no matter your age improves how you look and feel. The basic fact is that estrogen can be a tremendous support for lifelong health, but only if it is safely and efficiently metabolized. To be modified into its final forms for passage out of the body, estrogen must be combined with oxygen as part of aerobic metabolism. Estrogen requires a metabolic pathway similar to that needed by DIM and other natural indoles. Good metabolites are known as 2-hydroxy estrogens. Many of the benefits that are attributed to estrogen, including its ability to protect the heart and brain with its antioxidant activity, are now known to come from these good metabolites. When DIM increases the 2-hydroxy estrogens, there is a simultaneous reduction of undesirable, or bad, estrogen metabolites. These include the 16-hydroxy and 4-hydroxy estrogens which are not antioxidants and can actually cause cancer.

I am currently taking 500mg of Calcium D-glucarate and 200mg DIM twice a day. I utilize the SMNutrition brand.

I will give an update after my PET scan. When I have worry and anxiety, my Faith helps me through it.

Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6

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  1. Well written! I can’t believe your strength! I learn more about you every day. Love you too much!

    1. Thank you Dad for all your support and love through this. You have done so much for me. Love you. Xoxo

  2. Praying for you, Angela. I’m thankful that you’re drawing closer to the Lord and scripture during this hard trial. Your son is adorable, and I’m thankful you have wonderful support from your parents. I’m very sorry you are going through this, and I’m praying for complete healing.
    I’ve been following your blog and praying for you along the way.
    ~Jessica, your friend Amy’s cousin

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