2nd trip to Chipsa Hospital, Mexico

My return visit to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico consisted of labs, an ultrasound, and follow up treatments. My length of treatment was 5 days at Chipsa. I have some good news about my labs and ultrasound results! The cancer is estrogen and progesterone positive. In the US they wanted to put me on aggressive hormone therapy that would give me horrible side effects and I declined. I decided to do a plant based organic diet and natural hormone blockers. Guess what!… they checked my hormone levels… normal!

Other good news is that the ultrasound showed only 2 very tiny lymph nodes measuring 4mm in the axillary (armpit) region. Previously, I had 8 large lymph nodes in that region measuring 8mm and 9mm. The PET scan scheduled later in June will determine if there is cancerous activity in those 2 tiny lymph nodes. Also, the original breast tumor was 10cm when I first came to Chipsa in November 2021. I had the Cryoablation (freezing of the tumor) done at that time. The ultrasound this week showed a small nodule, the size of a grape, in the original breast tumor.

The treatments I received this week were treatments I had received when I was at Chipsa in November 2021.

Here’s a recap of the treatments I received this week at Chipsa Hospital:

Ozone IV therapy: Blood is drawn and Ozone is added to the drawn blood. The stimulation of Ozone creates a vaccine like immune response. This is a powerful immune-stimulant and is known for its antiviral and antibacterial effects.

Coley’s Toxins: A combination of 2 sterile bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens. This treatment is given IV and creates an immune response and produces new dendritic cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells from the bone marrow. The immune response that occurs from IV treatment includes chills, fever, and a headache which usually lasts a few hours.

Vitamin C and K IV: Exhibits synergistic anti-tumor activity and preferentially kills tumor cells by exaggerated membrane damage and progressive loss of cytoplasm.

GcMAF: A proprietary blend of protein macrophage activating factors. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell of the immune system that engulfs and digests cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and anything else that does not have the type of proteins specific to healthy body cells on its surface. By activating these macrophages, the patient’s immune system has a chance to identify and clear cancer cells. This is given as an injection in the muscle.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments: Hyperbaric oxygen can be used to overcome hypoxia. This is important because cancer stem cells thrive in a hypoxic environment. HBO is based on administration of 100% oxygen at higher than normal atmosphere pressure. HBO treatment enhances the amount of dissolved oxygen in the plasma, thereby increasing O2 tissue delivery independent of hemoglobin.

Myers Cocktail: IV vitamins consisting of Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, B complex, and Zinc. This cocktail of vitamins stimulates the immune system and improves metabolism of cells.

VG500 vaccine: A placental endothelium derived vaccine. Tumors grow their own blood vessels to grow and spread easier. This vaccine shuts off the blood supply to the tumor.

I will be going home with the same take home medications as last time.

Apatone: this is the Vitamin C and K in capsule form. I will be taking 25 capsules a day.

Coley’s Toxins: I will be injecting Coley’s Toxins in my arm subcutaneously 3x a week. This injection will produce an immune response: slight fever, headache, and inflammation at injection site.

GcMAF: I will be injecting GcMAF vaccine in my thigh muscle 1x a week.

Once I return home, the next step for me is to get a PET scan the end of June. This will determine if there is cancerous activity still present. I’m praying and believing that there will be no cancer.

“When you seek me in prayer and worship, you will find me available to you. If you seek me with all your heart and soul.” Jeremiah 29:13

“God is our strong refuge; he is truly our helper in times of trouble.” Psalms 46:1

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