3 weeks of Proton Radiation completed!

I have completed 3 weeks of Proton Radiation, and I have 3 and a half more weeks to go. Just to recap: Proton therapy, also called proton beam therapy, is a type of radiation therapy. It uses protons rather than x-rays to treat cancer. A machine called a synchrotron or cyclotron speeds up protons. The high speed of the protons creates high energy. This energy makes the protons travel to the desired depth in the body. The protons then give the targeted radiation dose in the tumor. With proton therapy, there is less radiation dose outside of the tumor. In regular radiation therapy, x-rays continue to give radiation doses as they leave the person’s body. This means that radiation damages nearby healthy tissues, possibly causing side effects.

I receive Proton radiation 5 days a week. Each session takes about 20 minutes. I am working full time; and after work, my dad drives me to the Northwestern Proton Center, which fortunately for us, is only a forty minute drive.

There are only 39 Proton Radiation Centers in the US right now. I’m so fortunate to live close by to a Proton Center, and to be able to get this treatment.

My progress and side effects: I am happy to report that I am feeling minimal side effects after completing 3 weeks of treatment. I have a little reddening of the skin, almost like a sunburn. I am also a little more tired, but it’s not affecting my daily activities. I am currently working full time as a Veterinarian for small animals and horses; I am back to my normal morning work out schedule, riding horses, and playing with my son. I am back to my normal healthy weight. Overall, I am feeling great! Last week, my oncologist said that the lymph nodes in my arm pit area feel very soft and small, which is a good sign! Previously, they felt huge and hard. I also am no longer feeling right arm pain or tingling of my right hand.

I have 3 and a half more weeks of Proton Radiation to go. A month after that I will get a CT scan to evaluate the size of the cancerous lymph nodes. I must wait 3 months after treatment to get a PET scan. The PET scan will determine if the cancer is gone.

I am still following a plant based organic diet and juicing every day. I do not eat any processed sugar, only natural sugars from fruits. I am not able to take any supplements or vitamins while undergoing Proton Radiation, so it’s important to keep up with a healthy diet.

It’s been almost 5 months since the cancer diagnosis. With the combination of the treatment I have received at Chipsa Hospital in Mexico, and the Proton Radiation at Northwestern, I feel very hopeful that I will be cancer free this year. I am so blessed that I can still live the quality of life I want to live while undergoing cancer treatment. In October of 2021, the outlook looked grim. I was told that aggressive hormone therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation would be my only option, or I would die. After lots of research, I decided to take the route of going to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico. I received many treatments not offered here in the US. The PET scan showed no cancerous activity in the primary breast tumor after the treatment in Mexico. Now I am getting Proton Radiation treatment for the cancerous lymph nodes in my arm pit area; and so far, I am seeing many postive signs that the treatment is working, and I am feeling great!

“And, after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore, confirm, strengthen; and establish you. ” 1 Peter 5:10

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