3rd trip to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico

This is my 3rd trip to Chipsa Hospital, in Mexico; and I am happy to say that it is on much better terms. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, stage 3, with cancer in several lymph nodes, in October 2021. I went to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico, in November 2021, and in April 2022 for treatments. I also received Proton Radiation treatment (the only conventional treatment I have received) at the Proton Radiation Center in Warrenville, Illinois, in February and in March 2022. In July 2022, the MRI showed no cancer; and so this trip, I returned to Chipsa Hospital for preventative treatments. As I mentioned in the previous blog, the reoccurrance rate within 5 years, is in the upper 80 percentile. Even though the MRI showed amazing results, I have to continue to fight the battle.

I received 5 days of treatments at Chipsa Hospital July 18-July 22, 2022. A central venous catheter was placed in my right subclavian vein. Because all the veins in my arms collapse and can’t be used for treatments; I will have to get a central IV line placed each time I come to Chipsa Hospital. This involves a local block using lidocaine, and 1 small incision is made right below my right collar bone to insert the IV catheter, and then it is sutured in place. It is painful, but bearable, and the procedure only takes a few minutes. Once that is placed, I can receive multiple IV treatments all week.

Please refer to my November 2021 blog posts where I go into detail about each treatment I have received at Chipsa. I will briefly recap the treatments I received this trip.

IV Ozone: Blood is drawn and Ozone is added. This is a powerful immune-stimulant and is known for its antiviral effects and anti-bacterial effects.

IV Vitamin C and K: Vitamin K helps to bring Vitamin C into cancer cells; cancer cells are killed.

Coley’s Therapy: Sterile dead bacteria is injected intravenously to elicit an immune response that will fight cancer.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments: Used to overcome hypoxia; cancer stem cells thrive in a hypoxic environment.

GcMAF: An injection that is given in the muscle. This activates macrophages to identify and clear any cancer cells.

VG5000: A placental endothelium derived vaccine which blocks tumor growth.

Myers Cocktail: IV contents of Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, B complex and Zinc that stimulates the immune system.

Chelation Therapy: Given intravenously, binds to metals, which are toxins in the blood; and removes these metals.

An ultrasound was done and showed no signs of cancer, confirming the MRI results. I will be continuing home treatments and a plant based organic diet to keep the cancer from returning.

Home treatment includes:

Apatone: Vitamin C and K oral capsules; 25 a day.

Coley’s Shot: Dead bacteria that elicits an immune response. Injection is given under the skin 3x a week.

GCMAF Shot: An injection that is given in the muscle 1x weekly to activate macrophages that will clear cancer cells.

I will be returning to Chipsa Hospital in October, 2022 for another week of treatment.

I feel so blessed to be at this stage in the battle against cancer. I will continue to have faith in God, and I will not worry about what the future holds for me. I will live in the present and continue to do all I can to prevent the cancer from returning; at the same time, I will be enjoying my life. I am so grateful for every day that I have!

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed; for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ” Isaiah 41:10

“I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12

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  1. Am I correct in stating that the 80% recurrence rate is consistent with traditional American cancer treatment? Is not the survival rate much better after the type of treatment you had in Mejico?

    1. Yes, the reoccurrance rate hasn’t been studied with my treatment. I believe that it would be much lower.

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