4th visit to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico

This is my 4th visit to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico. Because the reoccurrance rate within 5 years is so high with breast cancer, I will be continuing my visits to Chipsa Hospital every 3 to 4 months for preventative treatments and doctor follow-ups. Labwork was done and showed tumor markers were normal! An ultrasound confirmed that I am still in remission!

I am staying 5 days at Chipsa Hospital for maintenance treatments. I have gone into great details on previous blogs regarding all the treatments at Chipsa Hospital, but just to recap:

Treatments at Chipsa:

IV Ozone: Blood is drawn and Ozone is added. This is a powerful immune-stimulant and is known for its antiviral effects and anti-bacterial effects.

IV Vitamin C and K: Vitamin K helps to bring Vitamin C into cancer cells; cancer cells are killed.

Coley’s Therapy: Sterile dead bacteria is injected intravenously to elicit an immune response that will fight cancer.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments: Used to overcome hypoxia; cancer stem cells thrive in a hypoxic environment.

GcMAF: An injection that is given in the muscle. This activates macrophages to identify and clear any cancer cells.

Chelation Therapy: Given intravenously, binds to metals, which are toxins in the blood; and removes these metals.

The many things that I love about Chipsa Hospital is that a pastor comes to visit us and prays for us. Yesterday, the pastor asked if he could pray for me. When he touched my hands to pray for me, he said “Angela, heavenly messenger, God is so happy with all you have been doing. God is proud of you!” The pastor then looked up at me and smiled, and he asked if I am a mom because he was seeing visions of me and my child. He said that God sees all that I do for my son, and that I am an amazing mom; and God knows how much my son means to me. God knows that it was tough for me. I had a broken wing, but I kept fighting. God is fixing that broken wing for me so that I can fly and continue to do all the good things I have been doing. When the pastor said these things to me, I got chills. My faith is so strong. God gave me the gift of motherhood, and God healed me and God will continue to heal me.

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1 Comment

  1. Blessings to you and your son on the good news, Angela. Grandpa and I just read your blog and we are so very happy to hear of your remission. God is good.

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