Day 18 of Treatment

This was our last night here in Mexico; and we couldn’t resist taking a picture with the beautiful full moon in the background. Yesterday morning, I was still feeling the side effects of my fever and migraine from the night before, and I was not myself. The day before, I had Coley’s Therapy injected into my tumor and one of the cancerous axillary (arm pit) lymph nodes; and boy, did it knock me off my feet. To recap what Coley’s Therapy is: a sterile (dead) mixture of bacteria is injected into the tumor or is given IV; and mimics an infection and accompanying immune response, without incurring the risks of an actual infection. This coaxes the immune system to fight cancer. I started the morning with daily Vitamin C and K IV and Ozone IV therapy. The doctor came by to see how I was doing from the Coley’s Therapy. Every morning, the doctor that is assigned to your case, comes by and checks in with you; and has a conversation about your treatments and will adjust treatments based on how you feel and lab work results. I like the personalized approach by the doctors at Chipsa. The doctor asked if I wanted to skip Coley’s Therapy IV that afternoon, since I wasn’t feeling well. I wanted the Coley’s Therapy done because it would be my last day to do this treatment before I head home. Because of the reactions that can occur from Coley’s Therapy, it’s not recommended to have it done on the day you are traveling across the border. They may think you have Covid with a fever and the chills. I was given Coley’s Therapy IV, but at a lower dose. I didn’t get the reactions I usually get, only a small headache. So that evening, since I was feeling better, my mom and my son and I went to the Yogurt Organic restaurant for dinner. I had organic plant based enchiladas and organic brown beans. I haven’t been eating that much this week because of the nausea; so it was nice to get out and eat some good food that was organic and plant based. I have one more day of treatment here. I am starting to feel anxious, as I know it will be different at home. I will have to give myself injections and take high doses of medications that may give me nausea. I also have to prepare juices every day and stick to an organic plant based diet. At the same time, I will be going back to work. I’m looking forward to working again. I love helping animals and I miss seeing all of my patients. I am blessed to have a career that I love. As I prepare to come home, I pray to God for strength and hope. I trust God that everything will work out when I return home. I also trust God that the treatments are working. “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.” Psalm 56 3-4

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  1. I wish you the best Angela. I hope you will stay in touch when you come home. It will be nice seeing your progress. God bless you and your family.

    1. I just updated my blog Nancy. I plan on doing updates 1 to 2x a week. I talked a little bit abou mistletoe and the benefits of it for treating cancer in my blog today πŸ™‚

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey the past three weeks. It’s inspiring to witness your strength and courage. I know at home will be a little hard as you will administer everything but you are strong. Glad you can return to work and back to your fur patients πŸ˜€

  3. Safe travels! Stay safe! Continue trusting our Lord! He never fails! My prayers continue and never cease! πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™ Gloria

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your prayers. The Lord is getting me through this. I stay positive and have hope because of Him.

  4. You are such a strong woman. We are praying that God will continue to give you all the strength you need to fight this horrible disease. God Bless You!

  5. Please get on ant parasitic immediately. No one needs to tell you why it will help you, just trust me. Any kind that has no negative for your body. Ivermectin, Spiramycin, even Cat’s Claw at a high dose. Get on it immediately. Your cancer will start to disappear.

    1. I have been on fenbendazole for the last 4 weeks. I did a lot of research when I was first diagnosed.
      thanks πŸ™‚

  6. Angela you are such an inspiration for all of us. Keep the faith and stay strong. I admire you so much for doing what you feel is the best for you. Good luck when you come home and go back to work.

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