Day 8 of Treatment

I had a rough day and night yesterday. I received the Vitamin C and K IV and the Ozone IV therapy as usual. However, I received Coley’s injection IV at a higher dose than last week. Wow, that knocked me off my feet. So just to recap on what Coley’s Therapy is: this treatment was made famous by Dr. William Coley, the father of immunotherapy. The treatment consists of sterile (dead) bacteria. Using a killed bacterial suspension, mimics an infection (producing chills and fever) and accompanying immune response, without incurring the risks of an actual infection. This coaxes the immune system to fight cancer by releasing a dendritic cell storm. So with Coley’s injection IV, you want to get a reaction from it and feel sick because this means the treatment is working and your immune system is fighting the cancer. I received my Coley’s injection around 1:00 in the afternoon, and within 20 minutes, I had the chills and started shaking so hard that I was convulsing. I continued to shake like this for a good 30 minutes… then I had a fever. After an hour, I broke out into a sweat and I started to feel a headache coming on. I started to feel nausea. At 3:30, I was given a pain medication to help my headache. At 4:30, I hobbled out of the clinic and into the hospital van and was taken to the condo I am staying at. My dad and my son greeted me. My son was so happy to see me. “Mama, Mama…Hi Mama”… and he gave me a big hug. As we took the elevator up into the condo, my headache was getting worse. I now had an excruciating migraine. I laid on the bed with all the shades drawn down and lights completely out. I had a cold ice pack on my head. I laid like that all night.. with severe nausea. I did take my nightly cbd supplement and that helped me to fall asleep. I felt much better in the morning. I know that these treatments won’t be easy but these feelings of sickness will be short-term. Also, it means the Coley’s Therapy is working! I am getting another round of Coley’s IV today, so wish me luck!

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  1. Love to hear about your son. When I have a bad day at work… nothing better than coming home and seeing my daughter. She helps me forget my troubles. I’d love to know where you get your CBD. I was thinking of trying that for my sleep problems. I know there are rough days but you’ve got this Ang. I’ve known you a long time and you’ve always been a strong person.

    1. CBD hempology in Homer Glen. My friend Mark owns that store. I even get my Great Dane’s cbd oil there. He sells pet cbd too. I recommend getting cbd from a well known place so that you are getting quality cbd oil. It really helps me sleep and helps with pain. You can message me if you want more info about the store or if you want to just order online from his store, I can tell you what to get.

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