Future Survivor

Angela’s Fight Against Cancer and Healing Journey

I will be sharing my journey as I fight breast cancer. My blog will describe my experiences getting treatment outside of the United States and the challenges I have faced seeking treatment that is best for my body and quality of life. I will share my spiritual path throughout this journey. I will also share all that I have learned about nutrition and supplements. My hope is that I can help other women out there with breast cancer and I can create awareness and help share my treatment that is different than the typical conventional treatment.

Please Read My Journey Updates

  • 1 year and 6 months in remission

    This is my 7th trip to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico. I am happy to say that everything is going well for me. I continue to be in remission from Stage 3 metastatic Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with cancer metastasis to several lymph nodes. All of my scans have been clean; and I’m staying on top of my treatments; and continuing my visits to Chipsa; as well as seeing my oncologist every 6 months at the Northwestern Proton Center in Illinois. I have to make the trip to Chipsa every 6 months to pick up medications and check in with my doctors there. I am continuing Apatone which is an oral form of high doses of vitamin C/K and GCMAF shots weekly. GCMAF is a vaccine that triggers white blood cells to fight cancer cells. I am also continuing a vegan diet, with some fish added in. I exercise 6 days a week; and I take immune boosting supplements; and natural hormone supplements.

    This trip to Chipsa consisted of 2 full days of treatment: IV vitamin C, ozone therapy, chelation therapy, and the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. I also had an ultrasound done and lab work. All tumor markers were normal and the ultrasound looked good! I will return to Chipsa in 6 months to pick up medications and continue follow up treatments.

    Back in Chicago, I have been seeing an Integrative MD who checks bloodwork every 3 months, and advises me on all supplements that I currently take. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year; and it was confirmed by my oncologist that it was from radiation damage to the thyroid. I am currently on compounded thyroid medications, free from chemicals; and still in the process of getting my thyroid in control. I have had some chronic fatigue because of this, but it has improved since I have been on the medications. It will just take some time.

    I feel very blessed that I chose my own path when it came to cancer treatment. I am living life to its fullest and pursuing all of my dreams. If I would have followed the traditional route, I would be paralyzed and on disability. I have an amazing, beautiful son. I pursued my dream of owning a vet clinic. When I was first diagnosed with cancer in October 2021, I was in the process of opening a start up vet clinic in Frankfort, IL. I already invested a ton of money and work into it; but I needed to concentrate on my health and beating cancer. I took the loss and walked away from the clinic. Fast forward, and the opportunity of owning a vet clinic presented itself to me last year. What’s crazy is the clinic is in Frankfort ,IL. I’m very blessed to have wonderful family, friends, and animals. I continue to have a strong Faith in God. God gives us trials, and we may not understand them, but we must have Faith to get us through those trials. Every night, I say a prayer to Saint Peregrine, the patron of all Cancers. My hope is that by sharing my journey, I can help others who are in this battle.

  • 1 year in remission and 6th trip to Chipsa

    On July 8th, 2023, I reached the one year mark of being in remission from metastatic stage 3 breast cancer! I just had a mammogram and ultrasound done confirming that I am cancer free. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with secondary hypothyroidism. But this is easily treatable, so no biggie. Hypothyroidism is most likely from the proton radiation that I had on my neck area. There was a cancerous lymph node above my right clavicle. I suffered from radiation burns on that area; and as a result the thyroid can be affected because it is located in the neck area. I am currently on iodine supplementation and a natural thyroid supplement called Thyro-FLM. I continue to follow a vegan diet, and juice daily. I am on a variety of supplements and all natural hormone blockers. I visit with my oncologist at Northwestern every 6 months and I see an Integrative MD every 4 months. My trips to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico have gone down in frequency to every 6 months now.

    This week I am at Chipsa getting refills on my meds and some IV treatments. As mentioned in my previous blogs, I’m taking Apatone, which is an oral high dose of vitamin C /K and GcMaf, an intramuscular injection that is given weekly, and triggers white blood cells to help the immune system keep away cancer cells. While at Chipsa Hospital, full labs are done, and an ultrasound. It’s too soon to really evaluate hypothyroidism because I have only been on the thyroid supplements for 3 weeks. The rest of my lab work look great! Tumor markers are all normal!

    The next trip to Chipsa will be 6 months from now. Until then, I will continue to follow my diet and healthy lifestyle. I’m so blessed to be where I’m at today. This year I have had a lot of good things come my way. I have a new horse and I am back to riding and competing at horse shows. My son Alexander is turning 5, and he continues to bring me so much joy. My equine veterinary integrative business is continuing to grow. I am blessed with amazing family and friends who love and support me. God is Good!

  • 5th trip to CHIPSA! In remission

    This is my 5th trip to CHIPSA Hospital in Mexico. I am still in remission! All my labs and imaging are looking good. I had an ultrasound done today; and it was clear! As I have mentioned before, reoccurrence rate is at it’s highest within 5 years. I am doing all I can to stay cancer free. I have a 4 and a half year old son who is my everything, and I need to make sure I’m here for him. Because I am in remission, this is a short stay at CHIPSA. We arrived on Sunday night and we are leaving Wednesday night. I am getting Vitamin C/Vitamin K IV treatments, IV ozone therapy, and Coleys IV. Please refer to my previous blogs for detailed explanations of these treatments. I will be going home with refills of my home treatment medications. These medications include oral Apatone which is vitamin C and K; Coleys subcutaneous injections; and GcMAF vaccines. Again, my previous blogs go into great detail explaining the go home medications.

    In addition to continuing my treatments at CHIPSA; I am seeing my oncologist at Northwestern Proton Center every 6 months for follow ups. I have a diagnostic mammogram scheduled every 6 months.
    I am also seeing an Integrative MD in Chicago. Dr Z with Motivated Medicine. Dr Z runs thorough labs for me every 16 to 18 weeks; and she has been helping me with managing supplements that I am on. I declined aggressive hormone therapy that would give me horrible side effects; so I am on natural hormone supplements. Because of this, it’s important to have hormone levels checked on a regular basis. I also did a Dutch test which is the best way to look at your hormones throughout the day. I am currently on natural hormone blockers DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate.

    I am still following a vegan diet with the exception of fish (cod or mahi) every 1 to 2 weeks. I utilize an infra red sauna on a regular basis. I am juicing every day. I make 27 ounces of fresh juice composed of carrots, celery, green apple, ginger and 1 scoop of Healthquest Greens. I exercise 6 days a week. I work full time as a veterinarian , and I take care of my son. He is quite the busy little boy in a lot of activities right now. It may seem like a lot; but for me, I am committed to doing all I can to stay healthy and cancer free!

    I continue to have a strong faith in God. I thank God everyday for the miracles He has performed for me. I treasure everyday I have. I will continue to stay positive and fight! This is a lifelong journey for me; and I hope I can continue to share my story, and help others along the way.

  • 4th visit to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico

    This is my 4th visit to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico. Because the reoccurrance rate within 5 years is so high with breast cancer, I will be continuing my visits to Chipsa Hospital every 3 to 4 months for preventative treatments and doctor follow-ups. Labwork was done and showed tumor markers were normal! An ultrasound confirmed that I am still in remission!

    I am staying 5 days at Chipsa Hospital for maintenance treatments. I have gone into great details on previous blogs regarding all the treatments at Chipsa Hospital, but just to recap:

    Treatments at Chipsa:

    IV Ozone: Blood is drawn and Ozone is added. This is a powerful immune-stimulant and is known for its antiviral effects and anti-bacterial effects.

    IV Vitamin C and K: Vitamin K helps to bring Vitamin C into cancer cells; cancer cells are killed.

    Coley’s Therapy: Sterile dead bacteria is injected intravenously to elicit an immune response that will fight cancer.

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments: Used to overcome hypoxia; cancer stem cells thrive in a hypoxic environment.

    GcMAF: An injection that is given in the muscle. This activates macrophages to identify and clear any cancer cells.

    Chelation Therapy: Given intravenously, binds to metals, which are toxins in the blood; and removes these metals.

    The many things that I love about Chipsa Hospital is that a pastor comes to visit us and prays for us. Yesterday, the pastor asked if he could pray for me. When he touched my hands to pray for me, he said “Angela, heavenly messenger, God is so happy with all you have been doing. God is proud of you!” The pastor then looked up at me and smiled, and he asked if I am a mom because he was seeing visions of me and my child. He said that God sees all that I do for my son, and that I am an amazing mom; and God knows how much my son means to me. God knows that it was tough for me. I had a broken wing, but I kept fighting. God is fixing that broken wing for me so that I can fly and continue to do all the good things I have been doing. When the pastor said these things to me, I got chills. My faith is so strong. God gave me the gift of motherhood, and God healed me and God will continue to heal me.

  • Breast Cancer Survivor

    One year ago, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, stage 3. I had a 10cm tumor, and cancer in several lymph nodes. I declined standard treatment that included surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy. I was told I would be paralyzed in my right arm from the surgery, and that I would have a poor quality of life. I was also told that I would die if I didn’t follow the standard protocol here for metastatic breast cancer. After much research and a strong faith in God, I went to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico and received Cryoablation (freezing of the tumor); low dose chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. I also received 6 and a half weeks of Proton Radiation at the Northwestern Proton Center in Warrenville, IL. I found out I had clean scans this year in July. My faith in God has played a huge role in my treatment choices, and in my healing. I kept believing that I would be healed, and that God performs miracles!

    The battle isn’t over. Reoccurrance rate is at its highest within the first 5 years. I am still doing home treatments, and I will be going to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico for preventative treatments for the next 5 years. I will be seeing my oncologist at the Northwestern Proton Center every 3 months for checks ups, and doing scans. I will be continuing to follow a plant based, organic diet.

    Please refer to my previous blogs on here regarding all treatments I have received since the diagnosis. I want to help educate others with breast cancer that there are alternative treatments available that can give you a good quality of life. I also want to create awareness.

    Did you know that 1 out of 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer is most common in women under 40. It is so important to get yearly check ups, but also to do self examinations. I was under the age of 40 when I felt something wrong in my right breast. The doctor dismissed me and said it was hormones, and that I was too young to worry about a mammogram. Mammograms are recommended for women 40 years and older. Listen to your body and be an advocate for yourself! I wish I did at that time.

    I hope that I can help others by sharing my story. Please don’t hesitate to send me a message if you have questions about the treatments I did, or know someone that I could help.