GOD Performs Miracles!!!

Guess what!!!! The doctor called me today to tell me that the MRI scan showed no cancer!!! Both the left side and right side are clean of cancer!!!!

The PET scan done 2 weeks ago showed some concerning areas in the left armpit (axillary) region. There were 4 lymph nodes that were concerning for cancer, but inflammation can also light up on the PET scan. We can conclude now that it was inflammation…YAY!

I give myself Coley’s injections in the upper arm muscles 3x a week. Coley’s injections are one of the home treatments I do from Chipsa Hospital in Mexico. Coley’s injection is a dead bacteria that elicits an immune response to fight cancer cells. When I give myself Coley’s injections, my arm sells up like a big balloon for the evening and then it leaves an inflamed red bump for a few days on the arm. I really feel that the inflammation seen on the PET scan was from that.

I want to share a recap of my week as I feel that God played a role in the events that happened this week. I came in Tuesday July 5th, for an MRI. The procedure takes 30 minutes. They have to insert an IV catheter in the arm. I then lay on the machine face down, with my arms extended. I wear ear plugs and I have to stay in a still position the whole time. It is a very uncomfortable position! During the last 5 minutes of the scan, the machine injects a contrast solution into the IV catheter, and then more pictures are taken. The contrast is needed to properly evaluate the images and to compare to the previous images without contrast. On my way home, I received a phone call that there wasn’t enough contrast in the images, so I would have to repeat the MRI. I would have to come back the following day. So, the next morning, I drove back to the Northwestern MRI outpatient center. That morning, after several sticks, all my veins blew; and they couldn’t get the IV catheter in! I would have to go to Central Dupage Hospital in Naperville, IL and see an IV specialist on Thursday, July 8th. At this point, I was feeling frustrated and very anxious. The thought that it could be cancer on my left side came across my mind, and the waiting game was awful. Also, why was it so difficult for me to get an MRI done. So on Thursday, I drove to the hospital to get the MRI done. Fortunately this time, only 1 stick was needed and the MRI was successful.

I look back at the week… all the emotions and trying to work at the clinic, while driving back and forth to Naperville for this MRI… it was a rough week. BUT….. things happen for a reason. As a result of me not able to get this MRI done, I wasn’t giving myself Coley’s injections. I’m thinking that the MRI was delayed because my body needed time to rest after the injections, so that I could have a clean scan. The other thought I have, is that God gives us trials. Even though there was the possibility that it could be cancer, I continued to pray everyday, and I continued to believe my body was healed and that the cancer was gone. God will give us trials in life and with these trials, our faith must remain strong.

My battle is not over. The percentage rate of this cancer reoccurring in 5 years, is in the upper 80 percentile. I must continue to do home treatments and eat a plant based organic diet. I will be going to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico for 1 week, every 3 months, for 2 years; as long as the scans continue to be clean. After that, I can decrease my visits there. I am scheduled to leave for Mexico on July 17th. I will be staying a week and getting IV Vitamin C and immunotherapy treatments to help keep the cancer away. It takes 1 small irregular cell to multiple and spread cancer. I will also be seeing my oncologist at the Northwestern Proton Center in Illinois every 3 months for an exam, and getting scans every 6 months.

These are a few scriptures from the Bible that teach us about God’s miracles; and how important it is to have faith that a miracle will happen.

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done”. Mathew 21:21

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mathew 17:20

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Mathew 19:26

He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. ” Deuteronomy 10:21

“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

“ ‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23

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