I am a Warrier! I Got This!

The PET scan is scheduled for today at the Northwestern Cancer Center in Warrenville, IL. This is the big day! This scan will determine if the cancer is gone. I will be meeting with my oncology radiologist on Monday, June 27th, at 5:15 pm to go over results! I am feeling very postive about the outcome, and I have trust in God that everything will be ok.

I’m going to recap here about what has been going on since I came back from Mexico for my 2nd treatment in April. I had finished 6 and a half weeks of Proton radiation at the Northwestern Proton Center then I went back to Chipsa Hospital in Mexico for a week. Please refer to my previous blog post for detailed treatments there. When back at home, I continued all the home treatments from Chipsa Hospital which I have discussed in detail on my blog posts. To recap: I take 25 pills of Apatone ( vitamin C and K); I give myself Coley’s injections into the arm 3x a week ( a dead bacteria that elicits an immune response so that cancer cells can be killed); and I inject GcMAF shots weekly into my leg muscle ( a shot that activates macrophages to kill cancer cells). I am eating a plant based organic diet and juicing everyday. I will lay in my infrared sauna for 40 minutes, 5 to 6 days a week. I also take a variety of supplements which I can go into detail on a later blog. I work out 5 to 6 days a week. I am riding horses. I am working full time as Veterinarian treating small animals and horses. I am enjoying fun activities with my 4 year old son. To sum it up, I am living the quality of life I wanted to live, while still treating the cancer. I am blessed that I was able to go a different route than the traditional route that would have disabled me.

There are days that I feel dizzy and weak. I have good days and bad days, but I am able to push through it. I also have a little lymphadema post radiation. Lymphedema is the name of a type of swelling. It happens when lymph builds up in your body’s soft tissues. Lymph is a fluid that contains white blood cells that defend against germs. It can build up when the lymph system is damaged or blocked from radiation. My arm is not swollen, but I am feeling on and off tingling of my right hand and a burning sensation up my right arm. This is a symptom of lymphadema. I have been seeing a lymph drainage therapist that has been helping me with this. It doesn’t inhibit me from enjoying day to day activities and working.

I will give an update on my results next week! I believe in the power of prayer so many prayers are welcomed!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6

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