My Spiritual Journey

Having a close relationship with God and having Faith is so important when battling cancer. I have always had a relationship with God but it is now stronger than ever. Today we went to Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside, IL and visited a sacred site to pray. There is a 15 foot fiberglass crucifix that many have seen miracles from when praying. One man was cured of his blindness and many have seen the cross bleed. There is a stone with the Blessed Virgin Mary statue sitting across from the crucifix. There have been miracles here too when people pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary and touch the stone where the former crucifix stood in. People have seen visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We touched the stone and said prayers and after I finished my prayer, a pink petal landed on my shoe. I know that it was a sign from the Blessed Virgin Mary letting me know that my prayers were heard and that I will be ok. The sun was shining on us on a cold Chicago day and we felt the warmth from it. It was a beautiful day to pray and a special place to visit.

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  1. Wow! What a beautiful day. You know Jesus washed the feet of his disciples? Something to think about!

  2. Your armor is your faith and courage. Always wear it throughout your journey. You are a great witness.

    1. Thank you ♥️ I’m so glad you came to pray with us on Sat. It was such a great moment. I really felt God’s presence that day.

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